Treasurer Report: Checking $1664.09 |
Need insurance activated for the fly-in May 20th
Food and Young Eagles activities in the same location within the airport (hanger or FBO).
Conway location or Hardee Air Park for the Fly-in?
Ron is contacting the airport manager to make sure we can use the airport / hanger area for the fly-in.
Concerned about the runway lights work being completed and how to notify the public is the weather is bad.
AWOS is, Larry thinks, controlled by the MB tower.
Young Eagles and Fly-in the same day
Hamburgers, hot dogs, (Wayne can't/won't? make chicken bog anymore) Larry H. will get chicken bog this year.
Someone gets assigned as expediter to take care of issues as they come up (fireman).
7:30 members show up for set-up
Need two directing / parking airplanes with walkie talkies - not aviation radios
Need to contact Don for Young Eagles support.
Officers Present:Larry Howell, Vise President Duane Drisko, Treasurer Dennis Scott, Webmaster
Members and Visitors Present: